It’s been a long while since I have written a blog post on this site…in fact it has been nearly 5 years! I could enumerate the reasons for the gap, but in short I’ve been busy. There are many who may be new to the site, and to you I say: “Welcome!” To many others, I welcome you back. I started UrologyJobSearch.com (UJS) in 2010 as a PGY-3 Urology resident in Nashville. I created it with the idea of it becoming the one stop place you could find any current urology job opening. For several years it did well and urologists connected with employers and landed jobs through this site. It was a very lean start up and I ran it while working full time as a busy resident. I was in charge of all the sales and business development, not always easy when you are working 80 hours/week. (Now we have full time staff helping with this.) Unfortunately, life did not slow down after residency to allow me more time to invest in UJS. Instead it grew busier. After residency, I moved to San Antonio for fellowship in urologic oncology. After fellowship, I stayed on as faculty and started a MBA program, which I finished 2 years later. In November, 2015 I left academics to take a job as Chief Medical Officer for a hospital and at the same time launched a solo private urology practice. Just as this company, UJS, was a boot strapped business, I built my urology practice with much of the same “lean” mentality. I will share more of that experience down the road. In short, the practice has grown quite busy and I have been recruiting to have urologists come join me. Recruiting urologists is difficult in 2019, and probably even more difficult than in 2010 when I started this site. We are the second oldest sub-specialty and graduate only ~ 260 urologists/year. When you consider the 10,000 Americans joining the ranks of Medicare every day, there’s no wonder why the supply-demand curve is moving up and to the left. My experience in trying to recruit urologists to join my practice has reinvigorated my interest in this space. I now know the pain of urology groups and hospitals desperately looking for additional urologists for their practices. I never thought back in 2010 that I would one day be one of the “employer” customers for whom I originally built this site. If you are actively looking for a urology job or maybe want to just keep a passive eye on the job market, I encourage you to sign up today. No cost and takes less than two minutes to sign up. http://www.urologyjobsearch.com/signup/new?type=JobSeeker If you are an employer and looking for a urologist, I encourage you to consider listing your opportunity on urologyjobsearch.com. It’s free for the first month. http://www.urologyjobsearch.com/signup/new?type=Employer I’m always happy to talk with job seekers or employers about the urology job market. Simply send me an email and we’ll set up a time to chat. [email protected] All the best, Ian Thompson III, MD